A reflection on Justification prompted by Romans 14:17-19
Lectio: Justice, Peace, Joy
If I have been justified, not by any work of my own, but, by Christ’s sacrifice and the blood he shed, should I not see my brothers, my sisters also as people for whom Christ shed his blood and justifies by His sacrifice? And seeing them in this light, should my actions and attitudes toward them not reflect this knowledge?
The one caught in addiction or depression, mental illness or any number of other afflictions is saved and freed by Christ’s good work. If they are yet unable to live in that freedom, who am I to judge? Have I let Christ free me from everything yet? No.
How can I judge my siblings in Christ? To act justly is to remember who justifies. To act justly is to refrain from judging the oppressed and expecting them to pay the price for their own freedom. To Act justly is to pray fervently for their freedom.
To act justly in this way leads to peace and that peace will bring joy in the Spirit.
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